"Where there is no vision the people perish." Proverbs 29;18
One day when I was a kid I went to a friend's house after school. I noticed he had cuts on his face, arms and legs. He looked like he had been in an intense fight and lost badly. I asked him what had happened. He explained that he had been in a bike accident. I asked him how it happened. He said that the day before he had decided to "see" what it was like to ride his bike blindfolded. He took his bike to the top of a street, put his blindfold on, and started to ride downhill. Not surprisingly, he slammed into a car parked along the side of the street.
What does this have to do with tennis? Every shot, point, game, set and match needs a vision. We can start with a shot. You need to visualize the flight of the ball off your racket before you hit it. You can do that in your mind's eye while you keep your real eyes on the ball. Even more effective is to try and hit the seams on the ball as they are coming toward you. Given proper role models and left unto itself, your body will naturally produce the desired vision if you keep your real eyes on the ball. Without a vision for the shot, the body does not know what to do and the result often follows.
What does this have to do with life? Many people, regardless of age, have no vision for their lives. They often are the ones who are literally perishing because they have nothing to live for.