Yesterday during drills one of the kids double faulted on consecutive points. I could hear the mumbling and see him drop his head. Before he could serve the next point I interrupted him. He was still looking down when I stopped him. I asked him what he was looking at. He didn't understand at first. I re-asked the question, "What do you see right now?" He said reluctantly, "the ground". I asked him if looking at the ground was helping him. Reluctantly he said no. I encouraged him to literally and figuratively keep his head up even after losing a point, game, set, or even a match.
There are significant physical and psychological results of good and bad posture in tennis.
1. Serving. When players become discouraged, they are much more likely to drop their head. When their head drops on serves, they are much more likely to net the serve because the racket drops as the head drops. When they net the serve, their discouragement increases. When their discouragement increases, their head drops. And so goes the downward cycle.
2. Stamina. When a player drops his head, his lung capacity is significantly reduced. When the lung capacity is reduced the physical and mental energy required to win a point is reduced. When a point is lost and the player becomes discouraged, the head drops. And so goes the downward cycle,
3. Visual Clues. When a player drops his head, he is no longer able to see his opponent and pick up the body language clues from them that are so important in competing.
4. Psychology. By experience, I know that when I see my opponent drop his head, I get encouraged because I figure the match is nearly over, no matter how many more points there are to play. In contrast, if I see my opponent is steady and difficult to discourage then I know I am in for a long match.
Back to drills... To the student's credit, he took my advice and lifted up his head. His next serve was un-returnable. The serve after that was un-returnable. The next serve yielded a weak return and putaway. The next serve was un-returnable. By this time his opponent was mumbling and dropping his head. I had to have the same intervention with him.
Lift up your head!
Dear Lord. In tennis and in life, please help me to lift up my head even when circumstances are difficult. Lift up my eyes to focus on the ball and to look for You in the Heavens.
1. Head down. Have the players play a short ground stroke game with their heads down. They will get the point very quickly.