Tough as Nails!

Matthew 27:35
After they had nailed him to the cross, the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice.

If you ask most tennis fans or pros who is the most mentally tough tennis professional you will get an almost unanimous answer. Rafa Nadal. He plays every point as if it is match point. He runs down every ball. He continues to work to improve his strokes and tactics. He hits his strength to his opponents weakness over and over and over again. He practices twice as hard and twice as long as any other professional. He RUNS to the baseline to start warm-ups before a match. He always says his best tennis will be required to beat any opponent. He pumps himself up with his famous cry of, "VAMOS" and fist pumps!

It is also no coincidence that he also happens to be the #1 player in the world; is the youngest ever to win a career grand slam; and many consider him to be or about to be the greatest player of all time.

As great as his athleticism, technique, and tactics are, mental toughness is his real differentiator. That's how he developed the athleticism, technique, and tactics to begin with.

As mentally tough as Rafa Nadal is, his toughness pales in comparison to that of warrior who walked the earth 2000 years ago and lives today fighting battles for us. Jesus Christ is the most mentally tough man who ever has or will walk on this earth. He hung on a cross and died for me and for you in obedience to His Father's will. He was spit upon. His clothes were stolen. He was repeatedly beaten and flogged. Just the thought of it made him sweat blood. He did it all in obedience to His Father and in sacrifice for my sin and yours. He cried out in the end, "It is finished." and was resurrected from the dead after three days in a sealed tomb. He literally took nails in His Hands so that we would not have to. He literally was and is tough as nails!

Belief in and acceptance of His sacrifice for you opens the door to eternal life in Heaven with Him and access to mental toughness beyond that of even Rafa Nadal.

Father God, please forgive me for my sins. Thank You for the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus. I repent of my sins and receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Please help me to be mentally tough like Him.