Play your game!

1 Samuel 17:39-40
"I cannot go in these," he said to Saul, "because I am not used to them." So he took them off. Then he took his staff, chose five stones, put them in his pouch, with his slingshot in hand, and approached the enemy.

David and Goliath fought one of history's most famous battles. David was a young, neglected, Jewish shepherd boy who had been brought up fighting bears and defending his herd of sheep from attackers. Goliath was a professional, Philistine soldier; literally a giant, standing over nine feet tall. At a key point in the battle between Israel and the Philistines, Goliath challenged all the soldiers of Israel to a one-on-one, winner take all, Texas death match. The winner's nation would be declared victorious in the war between Israel and the Philistines.

For 40 days, no Israelite soldiers were willing to take on Goliath. Eventually, David arrived on the scene. Too young to fight, he was bringing food and water to the Israelites. When David reached the front lines he heard Goliath taunting Israel and the Lord God. David was incensed. He went to Israel's King Saul and volunteered to fight Goliath. Saul put his armor on David and sent David to confront Goliath. On his way to fight Goliath David removed all of Saul's armor saying, "I can't fight with someone else's tools."

Goliath was covered head to toe in heavy armor. There was only one, small uncovered spot in the armor; in the middle of Goliath's forehead. David, armed only with his slingshot and a few small stones, took a single stone, placed it in his slingshot, prayed to the Lord, and slung perhaps the world's most famous slingshot blow. The single stone struck Goliath in the one open spot and knocked him to the ground. David then took Goliath's sword and killed him in front of all Israel and the Philistine army.

There are two very important tennis lessons here. First, we can't play with someone else's game. God gives each person a unique set of gifts and talents that are to be used in a unique way designed by Him. As tennis players, we all have different strengths and styles. Those are to be used and enjoyed uniquely by us as we play the game. One of the most exhilarating dimensions of tennis is the battle of unique gifts in styles that we see when players like Roger Federer and Rafa Nadel, or Serena Williams and Justine Henine face off. How boring it would be if every player had exactly the same strengths and game styles. I'm not sure anyone would watch or play. Play your game!

Second, when you get an opponent down, don't let up. David did not play around or toy with Goliath. He knew that Goliath was a dangerous enemy and that he may not have another chance to land the death blow. Don't mess around in a match when you have your opponent down. Finish the job.

Dear Lord, thank You for the unique gifts in life and tennis that You have given me. Please help me to enjoy them and to use them for Your Glory. Thank You also for the mix of talents and gifts that You have given so many professionals and the blessing we have to enjoy them. Please encourage those professionals to use those gifts for good and for Your purposes. Finally, please help me to remember to finish the job in tennis and in my own life. If I get a chance to put my tennis opponent away on the court or my sin opponent in life, please help me to finish the job. Amen in the Name of Jesus.