God's People

2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

It’s not an accident that the key to healing a land (a family, a person, a business) begins with a right identity. The world system and its media and governments work overtime to identify us for one cause or another. The current census and related haranguing over its use and interpretation is right-now evidence of this very phenomenon.

In God’s eyes, we are not elderly (i.e. too old), middle aged (i.e. too boring), too young (i.e. immature), unborn or any other aged based label. With God a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day (2 Pet 3:8). We are to respect the elderly (Lev 19:32) and not look down on the young (1 Tim 4:12). We are God’s People.

In God’s eyes we are not Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Liberals, Conservatives, Progressives or any other new fangled political label spun up to promote the power hungry machines of man. His Law and His Ways and His Wisdom are the only system of values we should cling to and identify ourselves with (Col 2:8). We are God’s People.

In God’s eyes, we are not Hispanics, Africans, Americans, Ethiopians, Oriental, Russian, Atlantan, southern, western, eastern, or any other location based label. Our citizenship is in Heaven (Phil 3:20). Our capital is the New Jerusalem (Rev 3:12). We are God’s People.

In God’s eyes we are not black, white, red, brown, yellow, mixed or any other color based label rooted in the eyes of pride and prejudice. We are all made in God’s image (Gen 1:26). We were all knit together by God in our mother’s wombs (Ps 139:13). We are God’s People.

In God’s eyes, we are not even Smiths, Johnsons, or Williams. Jesus Himself said, “Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”(Mark 3:35) We are God’s People.

Misplaced identity is a seedbed for all kinds of sickness. Misplaced identity is the ultimate weak foundation. Healing, strength, and victory begin with right identity. We are God’s people!


Abba Father, thank You for adopting me as Your son. I am yours and You are mine. Please forgive me, deliver me, and heal from any misplaced or mistaken identity working in my heart, mind or soul. Please soak my heart, mind, and soul in the Truth that I am Yours. Amen in the Name of Jesus.