You are not your score!

Matthew 5:14
You are the light of the world.

A few weeks ago I texted one of our players to see how they were feeling. I asked them in the text, "How are you feeling?" The text answer that came back was, "I won." The player was saying a lot in those two words.

Based on the short response, it seemed that all the player's feelings were tied up in whether they won or lost. Unfortunately, that is often the case. Because our feelings are so closely attached to our identity, the more intense the feelings or emotions, the closer the trigger is to our identity.

If a player's identity is completely based on their performance, it is no wonder the feelings are so intense surrounding performance. If the super intense feelings are internalized, it can tear them apart inside. If the super intense feelings are externalized, it can tear others and themselves apart outside.

We often think the core issue is the expression of the feelings. The core issue is the false identity that drives them.

When our very identity is threatened we may panic or attack the person we believe is threatening our identity. That is why some players who exhibit integrity in almost every area of life may cheat in tennis. That is why some players who are kind to others in every other setting may verbally or sometimes physically attack their tennis opponents. The external behavior is the symptom of a misplaced identity.

The key is to adopt and accept our true identity at the very center of our being. That true identity is established by the One who made us, God Himself. Once a member of God's family through the shed Blood of Christ, here's the Truth about our identity...

- I am forgiven. (Colossians 1:13-14)
- I am the light of the world. (Matthew 5:14)
- I am free from condemnation. (Romans 8:1-2)
- I am wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)
- I am God's friend. (John 15:15)
- I am God's child. (Ephesians 1:3-8)
- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

God desires truth in the inner most parts. His identity for you and for me is the Truth in the inner most parts. It should be what drives all our decision making and should overwhelm us with a sense of Love and Grace that is inescapable and that overwhelms any other feeling.

Based on my own experience, there are three ways to adopt this Truth about our identity. First, ask the Lord to etch that Truth in the inner most parts. Second, recite it out loud, frequently. Third, hang out with people who confirm and affirm the Truth and disassociate with those who don't.

You are not your score. You are the light of the world!

Dear Lord, thank You for making me. You never make mistakes and You make all things beautiful. Help me Lord to agree with You about who I am.